Our beehives are located in Buckinghamshire, Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire countryside.    

The honey our bees produce, is made from seasonal pollen taken from plants, trees and flowers.    Bees are adapted to their local  climate and environment and if needed, bees can forage up to 3 miles from their hive to find different sources of nutrition. 

Our bees will be sourcing their pollen from local gardens, allotments, fields and meadows.

Bee Talk

Honey is harvested during the months of June to August which the beekeeper carefully extracts.  In late summer, the last of the honey is left in the hive for the bees to eat during the colder months. 

In the winter, bees huddle together to keep warm in the hive, ensuring they protect their Queen from becoming cold.  They will not leave the beehive all winter and their hives must be checked to ensure the bees have enough honey to last them throughout the colder months. 

We are very fortunate to have located our hives in some of the most beautiful parts of England where there is an abundance of wildflower and trees for the bees to feed from.


If you locate a swarm of bees, don't be alarmed.  Swarming is a natural process and the bees are working hard to find a new location for their Queen Bee.
There are many different types of bee but upon identifying whether the swarm of bees are honey bees (you can use the British Bee Association website to help identify them), you will find that the honey bee is small and varies in colour from golden brown to black.

As with all bees, if you locate a swarm of honey bees, its important not to harm them. 

Depending on the location of the swarm and our availability, we will be happy to collect the swarm and provide a safe home for the bees. Please click here to contact us.  

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